60 Day E-mail Course

Rewire Your Brain

Are you overwhelmed by daily decisions and struggling to think clearly under pressure? You’re not alone. Many people find themselves hampered by cognitive biases, overwhelmed by information, and lacking effective strategies for clear thinking. These challenges often lead to increased stress and missed opportunities.

The “60-Day Mental Models Bootcamp” is a transformative course designed to:

  • Empower you with clear thinking strategies that cut through the noise and confusion.
  • Enhance decision-making efficiency, allowing you to make smarter choices quickly and confidently.
  • Improve overall quality of life by reducing decision fatigue and increasing productivity.

Achieve Your Goals Faster

With the Course You Will:

Enroll to transform how you think, decide, and act with the power of mental models.

Why Choose this Course?

I’ve spent years and dedicated more than 1,000 hours to researching mental models.

The result? A curated selection of the most impactful models, each distilled into easy-to-follow primers designed to transform your decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

Carefully Selected

Each model has been chosen for its proven effectiveness and real-world application.

Distilled for Easy Learning

No need to wade through dense theory—get straight to the practical, actionable insights.

Empower Yourself

Equip yourself with a strategic toolkit that will revolutionize the way you interact with the world.

What You Get






  • Decision-Making
  • Problem-Solving
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Economics & Finance
  • Systems Thinking
  • Philosophy

What People Are Saying

5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
Juan Carlos’ extensive range of mental models has been a joy to delve into. Each has been an enlightening experience, prompting new ideas and taking my thinking into uncharted territory.
Nick Susi
Strategy Executive
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Juan Carlos has played a pivotal role in my personal and professional growth, offering invaluable insights into problem-solving and interpersonal communication.
Jeremy Kotin
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Juan Carlos offers a unique approach and progressive solutions to everyday problems. His thorough research and personal outlook guide us toward being a more open society.
Jay G.
Media Executive

Hi, I’m
Juan Carlos

I’m a creator at heart, a filmmaker by instinct, and a polymath who thrives on diversity. My life’s work is about framing: capturing, exploring, and sometimes breaking conventional boundaries to uncover deeper truths.

My Story

From directing award-winning films to leading product innovation at startups, my career spans the creative and the analytical. I’ve authored children’s books under desert skies, each designed to spark curiosity and independent thought in young minds. Whether through technology that simplifies complex issues or through mental models that enhance clarity, I constantly strive to reimagine how we perceive and interact with the world.

In my personal life, I’m a father fascinated by nature and humanity’s marvels. I share this wonder with my children as we explore the world’s beauty together. Every day offers a new frame, reminding us that what we focus on defines our lives’ story.

Are you ready to upgrade your thinking?

With 50 different models at your fingertips, from the tried-and-true to the lesser-known gems, you’ll be equipped to update your outdated thinking and approach life’s challenges with a fresh perspective.

$50 $27


Join hundreds of others who have benefitted from the course.

  • 60 Daily Emails
  • 50 Models
  • 10 Lessons