Elevate Your Mind.

Through the Re:Mind Newsletter, delivered every other Tuesday, we unleash your full potential and upgrade decision-making. We’ll explore mental models and life design.

Brand Yourself

In today’s interconnected world, a well-crafted and authentic personal brand can be your most powerful asset, magnifying your influence, opportunities, and success. This comprehensive guide will not only equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to establish a compelling personal brand but also provide custom worksheets designed to refine your strategies and tactics.

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Everything You Need to Shape Your Online Identity

Building a personal brand on the crowded and noisy internet is essentially a requirement — no matter what field you’re in. Whether you’re getting a project off the ground, developing your career, or engaging with your niche, it’s a mandate.

So, let‘s make sure you have everything you will need to get moving. Making smart and strategic choices now will save time and effort later.

How to Build a Strong Foundation

Get the tools and techniques to help you discover your unique voice and catch people’s attention authentically.

Define Your Life, Values, and Beliefs

You’ll deep dive into the value you have to offer the world using frameworks such as the Ikigai to determine that.

Align Your Strategy to Your Goals

Trying to get your empire off the ground? These tips will help you take concrete steps forward and set achievable milestones.

“This guide has insane value. I’ve re-read it a few times over the past few weeks because it’s been so helpful personally.”

Jamie Antonisse, Game Designer

Hi, I’m
Juan Carlos

Fueled by a passion for storytelling and excitement for life design, I find joy in reframing narratives to illuminate paths toward fulfillment. My experience spans high-growth startups, filmmaking, and social impact. Through mentoring and coaching, I guide teams and individuals to discover purpose and cultivate a meaningful life.

My Story

I started in film, directing award-winning features such as ‘Know How’ and ‘Second Skin.’ These cinematic endeavors earned me recognition and allowed me to serve as a spokesperson for Adobe. I founded the White Roof Project, a grassroots climate activism campaign that mitigated the urban heat island effect and spurred community-led social change.

I carried my storytelling skills and passion for societal transformation as I transitioned into the startup ecosystem. Initially, I contributed to social impact apps, converting complex issues into accessible solutions. This early experience laid a foundation for my later work, where I led the development of groundbreaking products within high-growth startups. My work has underscored the potential of technology to innovate and amplify the quality of human life.

In a nutshell

My mission is to empower individuals to unearth their purpose and architect a life of profound meaning.